Planet MySQL HA Blog

The Planet MySQL HA Blog aggregates content from sources that cover topics related to high availability (HA) for MySQL databases.

Advanced Data Load with MySQL Shell

MySQL Shell offer many features to make life easier for DBAs and developers. In this post we discuss some of the options available to use when loading database dumps.

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MySQL 9.0 is out! Thank you for your contributions!

MySQL is Open Source and accept contributions from the Community. This is the list of contributions accepted in the last releases.

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Effortlessly Build AI-Powered Q/A Apps Using HeatWave GenAI

In this blog post, we explore how effortlessly you can harness the capabilities of HeatWave GenAI—including the Vector Store and RAG—to craft personalized AI-driven Question/Answering (Q/A) applications. These applications adeptly respond to user queries across diverse domains, leveraging customized documents ingested to HeatWave GenAI with vector store. Presented in this blog are two compelling examples:

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Advanced Data Dump with MySQL Shell

MySQL Shell offer many features to make life easier for DBAs and developers. In this post we discuss some of the options available to use when dumping database schemas and data.

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Transforming MySQL: Continuent's Two-Decade Legacy of MySQL Innovations

07/02/2024 | Continuent

MySQL has evolved significantly since its inception in 1995, becoming one of the most reliable and widely used open-source database solutions globally. Its crucial role in the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) has cemented its place as a foundational technology for web applications, celebrated for its connectivity, speed, and security. Continuent has been instrumental in driving this evolution.

Since 2002, Continuent has been at the forefront, driving MySQL’s transformation. Fr

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How to setup FastAPI with MySQL HeatWave and Post the Data into MySQL

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python based on standard Python type hints. MySQL HeatWave is a fully managed database service, powered by the HeatWave in-memory query accelerator. It’s the only cloud service that combines transactions, real-time analytics across data warehouses and data lakes, and machine learning in one MySQL Database—without the complexity, latency, risks, and cost of ETL duplication.

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Generative AI in HeatWave: Introduction

HeatWave GenAI is industry's first automated in-database Generative AI service. It seamlessly integrates large language models (LLMs) and embedding generation within the database, eliminating the need for external services. This integration enhances performance and security, simplifies application complexity. With HeatWave GenAI, you can effortlessly generate new content, speed up manual or repetitive tasks like summarizing large documents, and engage in natural language interactions.

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MySQL July 2024 GA Releases Now Available

MySQL Server 9.0.0 Innovation, 8.4.1 LTS, 8.0.38, are now available for download and in the MySQL HeatWave Database Service. These are the latest General Availability (GA) releases as of July 1, 2024.

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Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0.37-26.19 released

07/01/2024 | Galera Cluster

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 8.0.37-26.19 (release notes, download), with Galera replication library 4.19 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API version 26. This release incorporates all changes to MySQL 8.0.37, adding a synchronous option for your MySQL High Availability solutions.

In the Galera replication library 4.19, some notable changes include the phasing out of

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Trick to Simulate Higher Latency IOs on Linux

When running tests, it is sometimes useful to slow down IOs to clearly show the impact of reading from the disk.  Modern laptops and servers usually have fast local SSDs, and most cloud vendors provide, in addition to fast local disks, relatively fast network block devices (EBS for AWS and Persistent Disk for GCP).  Even when using magnetic network block devices, IOs are not guaranteed Jean-François Gagné

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