Planet MySQL HA Blog

The Planet MySQL HA Blog aggregates content from sources that cover topics related to high availability (HA) for MySQL databases.

Lessons From 20 Years Hacking MySQL (Part 2)

06/20/2024 | Hack MySQL

A relational database is more than a data bank, it’s a profound philosophical expression. This is the second and final part of “Lessons From 20 Years Hacking MySQL”.

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Trusting mysqldump and Insecure MySQL Client Lead to Remote Code Execution

Yes, you read this correctly: because the MySQL client is insecure and allows running arbitrary commands, and because mysqldump blindly trusts the server it is dumping from, a hostile MySQL Server on which mysqldump is executed could trigger arbitrary command execution (also known as a remote code execution).  This post raises awareness on this vulnerability and shows how a secure MySQL Jean-François Gagné

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Sakila, Where Are You Going?

This article is in large part the same of what I have published in the Percona blog. However I am reproposing it here given it is the first some other benchmarking exercise that I am probably going to present here in an extended format, while it may be more concise in other platforms. 

In any case why this tests. 

I am curious, and I do not like (at all) what is happening around MySQL and MariaDB, never like it, but now is really think is time to end this negative trend, that is killin

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Galera Cluster works on Oracle Linux

06/18/2024 | Galera Cluster

We recently had a customer request to run Galera Cluster on Oracle Linux. We are pleased to tell you that you can use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 repositories: for the latest Galera Cluster with MySQL 8 and the wsrep library.

It is worth noting that while it is difficult to find an Oracle Linux image in many cloud providers, there is Oracle Cloud that offers Oracle Linux as a default. However, remember that if you are using Oracle Cloud, you still have to configu

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RFC: Database / Schema in the Slow Query Log File

A month ago, I announced that I am working on a MySQL Contribution to add database / schema in the slow query log file (bug report, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and MySQL Community Slack).  My contribution is ready, and before submitting it, I would like feedback, so I am writing this post as a Request for Comments (RFC).  If you are in a hurry, you can go directly to the RFC Fake PR.&Jean-François Gagné

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Let's take a look at Percona Everest 1.0.0 RC

06/13/2024 | Percona
Hi, the Percona Everest 1.0.0-rc1 release was published on GitHub. Percona Everest is the first open source cloud-native platform for provisioning and managing PostgreSQL, MongoDB and MySQL database clusters. I want to tell you how to install it so you can try it out. RC builds aren’t meant for the general public; we don’t support upgrading from RC to stable versions. This means that this is only for testing and familiarizing yourself with the features.

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Managing MySQL Shell Configuration Options

MySQL Shell offer many features to make life easier for DBAs and developers. In this post we discuss how to view and manage MySQL Shell configuration values.

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Why is My Java Application Freezing Under Heavy I/O Load?

06/10/2024 | Continuent

The Question

Recently, a customer asked us:

Why would heavy disk IO cause the Tungsten Manager and not MySQL to be starved of resources?

For example, we saw the following in the Manager log file tmsvc.log:

2019/06/03 00:50:30 | Pinging the JVM took 29 seconds to respond. 2019/06/03 00:50:30 | Pinging the JVM took 25 seconds to respond. 2019/06/03 00:50:30 | Pinging the JVM took 21 seconds to respond. 2019/06/03 00:50:30 | Pinging the JVM

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MySQL Connection Status with MySQL Shell

MySQL Shell offer many features to make life easier for DBAs and developers. In this post we discuss how to view the details of the connection to a MySQL instance.

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Configuring the Tungsten Connector for PCI Compliance

06/06/2024 | Continuent


It is always a good idea to be mindful of open ports on your hosts, since they can be used by bad actors to gain access to your systems.

For this reason, it is often desirable to prevent outside connections to the port whenever possible to prevent intrusions.

For security purposes (and possibly PCI compliance), the Tungsten Connector proxy has the ability to bind to localhost/ instead of listening on all available IP addresses via

The Quest

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