Planet MySQL HA Blog
New Contact Management in HeatWave MySQL
Replica Preserve Commit Order and Measuring Lag
With multi-threaded replication (MTR), a replica can commit transactions in the same order as the source, or not. This is determined by sysvar replica_preserve_commit_order (RPCO). As of MySQL v8.0.27 (released October 2021) it’s ON by default, but it was OFF by default for several years prior. In either case, it’s relatively new compared to 20+ years of single-threaded replication for which commit order was not an issue or option. But with MTR, it’s important to understand the
Understanding InnoDB Tablespace Duplicate Check (MySQL Startup with Many Tables)
Where can you find MySQL during December 2024 - February 2025
Ensuring High Availability and Fault Tolerance for Business-Critical Workloads
In the current MySQL ecosystem, organizations must prioritize high availability and fault tolerance to ensure business continuity and to maintain customer trust. High availability solutions ensure that critical services and applications remain accessible, even during unexpected outages or system failures. While fault tolerance allows systems to continue functioning without error even when some components fail, minimizing downtime and ensuring reliable performance for its
Enhancing Security and Compliance in Financial Services with MySQL Enterprise Edition
Galera Manager November 2024 Release
Codership is pleased to announce a new release of Galera Manager. The current installer stands at version 1.14.0 (you can check this by typing: ./gm-installer version which will report gm-installer version 1.14.0 (linux/amd64)) and the actual Galera Manager GUI is at version 1.8.7. Users will notice usability improvements, and fixes for issues filed at the galera-manager-support issue tracker. Note that the installer didn’t change, only the Galera Manager GUI for your MySQL monitoring got update