Planet MySQL HA Blog

The Planet MySQL HA Blog aggregates content from sources that cover topics related to high availability (HA) for MySQL databases.

More JavaScript in MySQL

MySQL Enterprise and MySQL HeatWave now support writing stored functions and procedures using JavaScript. In this post we show how to implement more complex logic in a MySQL stored function using JavaScript.

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Shenzhen CLOU Electronics Strengthens its Data Security and Regulatory Compliance with MySQL Enterprise Edition

This is a case study for the use of MySQL Enterprise Edition at Shenzhen CLOU Electronics. MySQL Enterprise Edition stood out as a robust solution for organizations seeking to safeguard their sensitive data.

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MySQL Shorts - Episode #62 is Released

Episode #62 of MySQL Shorts in now available!

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Using the Global `Intl` JavaScript Object in MySQL

MySQL Enterprise and MySQL HeatWave now support writing stored functions and procedures using JavaScript. In this post we show how to the global Intl object in a MySQl stored function.

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MySQL April 2024 GA Releases Now Available

MySQL Server 8.4.0 LTS and 8.0.37 are now available for download and in the MySQL HeatWave Service. These are the latest General Availability (GA) releases as of April 30, 2024.

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Filtering JSON Arrays with JavaScript in MySQL

MySQL Enterprise and MySQL HeatWave now support writing stored functions and procedures using JavaScript. In this post we show how to tap into the power of JavaScript to filter an array of objects based on the value of one of the properties of the object.

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Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0.36-26.18 released

05/02/2024 | Galera Cluster

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 8.0.36-26.18 (release notes, download). There is no change to the Galera replication library 4.18 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API version 26. This release incorporates all changes to MySQL 8.0.36, adding a synchronous option for your MySQL High Availability solutions.

This is a very minor release compared to the first MySQL 8.0.36-26

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MySQL NDB Cluster replication: Dual-channel replication for redundancy

Learn how to setup MySQL NDB Cluster replication using redundancy to continuously replicate data and be fully online during upgrade and maintenance.

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Introducing support for keyring component to plugin migration

Now you can also perform keyring migration from a keyring component to a keyring plugin using a migration server.

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Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault Keyring Component in MySQL Heatwave

The component_keyring_oci keyring component is advanced, flexible and have fewer restrictions than the keyring_oci plugin. It can be loaded using the manifest and configuration file.

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